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'CityVille' now bigger on Facebook than 'FarmVille'

Diposkan oleh Unknown Tuesday, December 28, 2010

 In less than a month, Zynga's latest game, "CityVille," has become the most popular application on Facebook.
  • "CityVille" has 16.8 million daily active users and "FarmVille" has 16.4 million
  • Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out the top five
  • The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases"
Facebook game developer Zynga has proved once again that it knows exactly what it needs to do to keep millions of Facebook users happy and occupied.
In less than a month, its latest game "CityVille" has become the most popular application on Facebook, surpassing Zynga's previous hit "FarmVille" in all areas.
According to AppData, "CityVille" now has 16.8 million daily active users, compared to "FarmVille's" 16.4 million. Looking at monthly active users, "CityVille" is also ahead with 61.7 million users, while "FarmVille" trails behind with 56.8 million users.
Zynga's "FrontierVille" and "Texas HoldEm Poker" also round out the top five: put those four apps together (we'll disregard the fact that many of those users overlap for a second) and you have a very impressive number: 184 million active users across four games.
The only non-Zynga app in the top five list is "Phrases," which at one point threatened to take the top place, but is now overshadowed by both "CityVille" and "FarmVille."
"CityVille's" future success wasn't hard to predict after an amazingly good start at the beginning of December, but it's still impressive to see Zynga amassing tens of millions of users in a matter of days, proving that all that venture capital that went into the company isn't there by accident.

The Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly looking into the growing trading of shares of Silicon Valley companies including Facebook Inc. on private markets.

The New York Times cited unnamed sources who said the SEC has sent information requests to some participants involved in the buying and selling of stock the social networking giant, as well as Twitter Inc., LinkedIn Corp. and Zynga.

The paper said it isn't clear what the SEC is interested in regarding the trades.

Private sales of stock of companies that haven't gone public has been growing on exchanges, including New York-based SecondMarket.

The Times reported that some New York brokerage firms have started forming investment pools to buy the shares, as well.

The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday that trading in Facebook has surged in the past month on private exchanges, with the social networking company's valuation rising as high as $56 billion.

SecondMarket said it expects to execute about $400 million in trades involving about 40 private companies this year, four times the volume it saw in its first year in 2009.

Some time ago version 1.9 of Facebook for BlackBerry was only available to beta testers since Beta Rim Zone. But for the rest of us waiting is over. Now we can update our Facebook applications to version 1.9 from the World App.

This update brings minor improvements, greater speed, a design facelift and above all more interesting as a novelty, have function enabled Facebok Places for BlackBerry users. This is an interesting application and which we will discuss later, in a post devoted exclusively to it. Even so I think it lacks the option of Facebook Chat, which I consider essential. Hopefully for the next version, which will 2.0 if the coming of the integrated chat.
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This time we will explain ways to make your facebook status more attractive. Unlike facebook status using reverse writing. This time using the facebook application. What is clear like emoticons and smileys codes.

To make your facebook status is more interesting, how:

1. Login first to your facebook.

2. Open this application:


3. Click Allow.

Well, later will appear like this:

 4. Pick some code or character2 interesting to beautify your facebook status by clicking on the button code / character is.

5. If you've finished selecting. Block all writing + your code, do I press Ctrl + A then Ctrl + X.

6. After that move to your facebook status, how: put the pointer on the status of filling the box, continue to press Ctrl + V.

Hopefully Helpfull

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To make up for Empty and Status On / Blink
nih code:
Sstatus empty: @ [2:2: space]
Status of flame as the link text: @ [2:2: Your text]
nb: space replaced with a typed space
Your text replaced with text that you want.
Hopefully useful.

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There are many ways to create friendships. One of the so trend today is to use social networking. Names such as Facebook, Twitter, or Friendster would have attached to our ears.Along with the development of GPS technology in smartphones, social networking applications was no less swiftly adopted. By combining the ability to monitor the location, the interaction between friends also become more varied. In addition to sharing a wall, add comments, pictures, videos and accounts of friends, now you also can tell which is currently located and showing the locations visited favorite.
Is Foursquare, a new social networking service that is now starting loved in the country. Fourquare Services provides a variety of fun features, namely:1. You can tell friends foursquare, facebook, or twitter you where currently located.2. You can do the check-in: the term to notify a particular location or place to your friends as well give your comments on the site. For example: You can do the check in a restaurant that has been marked in Foursquarekemudian to comment about your favorite food, service, and atmosphere of the restaurant.3. If There are many interesting places and no one has marked it on the map foursquare, you can mark yourself and share them so your friends in Forusquare, Facebook and Twitter to find out the location4. Foursquare can be integrated with Facebook and Twitter, so the information you share in the Foursquare also be shared on the wall up and Twitter.5. Forusquare now be applied in mobile phone iPhone, BlackBerry, dsn Adroid. Its multiplatform it keeps you connected with other friends, although with a different type of mobile phone
Step-by-step installation Foursquare application:

* You can download the application via application Foursquare via cell phone store, respectively. You can also download via your PC.
iPhone in http://itunes.com/app/foursquare
BlackBerry in http://foursquare.com/blackberry/beta
Android in http://www.android.com/market/
Palm in Palm App Catalog
Mobile phones from other brands in http://foursquare.com/mobile/
* If already installed, you can register to get a username and password.
* Come in with the username and password have been obtained earlier. So, will be brought to the front page fourquare.
* Through the menu Friend, can view the location of check-in from friends Foursquare and comments that they post. can also see the mayorship and badges they've got. If pressing the check-in location, it will display a map showing where the site is located.
Oh yes, and bagdes mayorship value system will be increased depending on how often to check in at Foursquare.
* In the Places menu, will see the favorite locations close to where you are and have been characterized by Foursquare other users. If you wish, can perform check-ins at these locations and increase the number of mayorship and badges.
* If There is an attractive location and is not marked, please add it to the Foursquare with add venue facilities
* While on Me menu, you will see history Foursquare activity including the number of mayorship and badges that have been collected. You can add comments about a location via Shout!.
* When posting comments, there is a choice whether comments will also appear on Facebook or Twitter account.
Adding Foursquare on Facebook and Twitter

* You can add the account up to the Foursquare settings. Function, for comments and updating the Foursquare can be seen and shared on your wall.
Way, www.forusquare.com access, do the login, then go to the settings menu. Linked In account menu, press the up or Twitter logos contained underneath. Next will be guided to perform the settings on both accounts.
* Please arrange to check-in you in Forusquare can be seen on Facebook or Twitter. Now through a PC, access your facebook account, then go to Account menu - Application Settings.
* Discover the settings for the application Foursquare, then set permissions as needed.
* Well now, if you do checkin in Foursquare, then your friends on facebook and twitter to see your status.

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Games Naruto Facebook

Diposkan oleh Unknown

For those who like naruto it's a lot of naruto games on facebook, you can play and select the character you want, here are game2 naruto on facebook:
1. Naruto Shippuden 
2. Naruto Academy

3. Naruto GE-MU
4. Naruto Wars
 Of the four games above Naruto Sippuden who has the most active users and have attractive appearance.
 Congratulations play :)

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