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Tips to Make More Interesting Facebook Status

Diposkan oleh Unknown Tuesday, December 28, 2010
This time we will explain ways to make your facebook status more attractive. Unlike facebook status using reverse writing. This time using the facebook application. What is clear like emoticons and smileys codes.

To make your facebook status is more interesting, how:

1. Login first to your facebook.

2. Open this application:


3. Click Allow.

Well, later will appear like this:

 4. Pick some code or character2 interesting to beautify your facebook status by clicking on the button code / character is.

5. If you've finished selecting. Block all writing + your code, do I press Ctrl + A then Ctrl + X.

6. After that move to your facebook status, how: put the pointer on the status of filling the box, continue to press Ctrl + V.

Hopefully Helpfull

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